Things to See & Entertainment Nakōga Well

Well that until recently was used as the local water source.
In the past the water was essential for the local community, and was the first water drawn on New Year's Day, as well as the water used to wash newborn children.

The well was dug by the local inhabitants, and until recently, when water mains were connected to each house, it was used as the primary water source, including for drinking water.

Nakōga Well

Water was drawn from here on the first day of the new year, and newborn babies were washed using this water, so it had an important place in the daily lives of the local people. Today, the surrounding area has been made into a courtyard, and the trees form a pleasant shady canopy.

Nakōga Well

Nakōga Well was designated as an important monument (historical remains) of Kin township on April 28, 1994.
[Kin township designated cultural asset (monument (historical remains))]

Basic information

Address 10408 Aza-Kin, Kin-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
Contact Details Kin Town Board of Education
Telephone 098-968-2991

Nakōga Well

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