Activities & Shopping Kin Town Public Gym

It offers a wide range of usage, from table tennis to handball

Kin Town Public Gym

This is a gym that was completed in April 1986. It is equipped with an arena for 2 basketball courts or 3 volleyball courts and a training room.

Kin Town Public Gym

The arena can be used for tennis, badminton, table tennis, handball, and other sports, in addition to basketball and volleyball. The training room has various training machines.

Kin Town Public Gym

Basic information

Address 7758, Aza-kin, Kin-cho, Kunigamigun, Okinawa
Car parking Yes
Contact Details Kin Town Athletic Facilities
Telephone 098-968-6990
Remarks Facilities: Arena, training room, dressing rooms, shower rooms

Kin Town Public Gym

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